
Erasmus experience

A lot of people describe the Erasmus as the Experience of their life.
I don’t know if it is the best thing I have ever done but I’m sure it’s a good way to open your mind and understand better the world in which we live.
I decided to come to Italy because I like the gastronomy (pasta & pizza) and the culture is similar to the Spanish one.
Rome is also a very attractive city in an historical sense. The ancient monuments are all around and you can enjoy visiting a huge variety of museums and churches.
When I decided to go abroad for one year I was not really concerned I was going to live so different moments.
You might think of Erasmus and have in mind some crazy people who are everyday partying. It’s true that some just do that. But another ones exploit the unique opportunity of living in another country and meet up with people from all around the world.
Personally, I got amazed when I realized that people from another countries had different customs but in essence, we were just the same: humans.
Regarding the topics, you’ll see that what you consider normal differs from other opinions.
For me, discovering our differences was amusing. Brazilians, Italians, Chinese, Swedish, Germans, Russians, Polish, Portuguese, Ukrainians… Everyone contributed to find out that some topics are true and others are funnily exaggerated.
Even you’ll find differences between people from your own country.
And welcome: that’s diversity and it’s a pleasant surprise to expand your circle of friends so broadly.
Academically, it might not be your best year due to the fact that you invest much of your time exploring these new places and personalities.
But you learn an alternative teaching method.
My experience in Faculty of Economics of Tor Vergata was positive because I like teachers who are closer to students, exposing their background of companies and introducing us in a more practical vision of our professional career.
Almost every exam had an oral part, which I think that helps to develop the skills of expression and speech.
If you organize yourself you can combine both obligations and entertainment.   
The aim of this speech is to encourage another students to live this by their own. You can read a lot of that, but nothing as first-hand experience.
It’s normal to feel fear when future is uncertain but the adaptive capability is inherent in all of us and we have to use it.
Evidently, the attitude in these cases is crucial to enjoy the whole occasion.
And thinking on this chance as if everything was going to be perfect is an error.
Not all will be good, but it’s going to be positive and rewarding: it teaches you and you learn about life.
You become more mature and aware of what you want to become in the future.
Last but not least, you will realize about the valuable things you have as a person and recognize the value of family and friendships.
Becoming more conscious will delight you.
Erasmus is described as the experience of their life by a lot of people.

6 comentarios:

  1. Me alegro que te embarcaras en esta experiencia parece que ha sido muy enriquecedora a final de cuentas

    1. Si, lo cierto es que me ha enriquecido en aspectos que ni siquiera me imaginaba.

      Un fuerte abrazo, y espero que tú también decidas embarcarte en nuevas experiencias:)

  2. Martina querida! No entiendo inglés....pero por lo que intuyo,hablas de las Erasmus, no sé si como estudiante o reflexión acerca de ella..en todo caso,creo que es una experiencia para no perderse! Un abrazo enorme!!!!

    1. Bonita, hablo sobre mi experiencia de 10 meses fuera de casa.
      Sin duda, aporta una barbaridad.
      Gracias por pasarte.

      Un beso muy fuerte!!

  3. ¡Qué envidia!
    Yo creo que es una experiencia inolvidable y que no tiene comparación con nada más.
    Tiene que ser absolutamente genial :)

    1. Querida.
      Con sus puntos positivos y negativos, e intentando aprender siempre de la experiencia, es algo muy positivo pq te ayuda a crecer y a abrir la mente.
      Supongo que es un proceso y que con él te das cuenta de lo relevantes que son las personas que tenemos al lado.
      Así que en todo este desarrollo yo me quedo con que lo material no perdura, y lo realmente valioso son las amistades y la familia.

      Un besazo!!
